Clergy & Staff

Saint ambrose is currently in the search process for a new rector.

The congregation is working with the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado to fill our open position of Rector and Priest. We anticipate filling this position by the fall of 2024.

The Rev. Lyn Burns, our Interim Rector

Immediate past rector: The Rev. Anne Downs Richter

The Rev. Anne F. Downs Richter began her ministry as a priest in 2008 after a first career as a French teacher. She holds an M.Div. from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and has done Anglican studies at Virginia Theological Seminary. In May 2023 she graduated with an additional Master of Sacred Theology degree through the summer Advanced Degree Program at the School of Theology at Sewanee, TN. She has served parishes in Louisville, Kentucky as rector and as associate for youth formation and family ministry. Anne is passionate about Christian formation and gathering all generations together for worship and meaningful service in the world. Installed as the Rector of Saint Ambrose in 2020, Rev. Anne shepherded the parish through the Covid-19 pandemic, the Marshall Fire, and the King Soopers shooting in Boulder.

Rev. Anne retired in January of 2024.

Rev. Anne’s written sermons and other articles can be found at Rev. Anne’s blog.

Visit our St. Ambrose YouTube channel to view recently uploaded videos.

The Rev. Jan Pearson


Deacon Jan was born and raised in Pecos, Texas, a life-long "cradle" Episcopalian. She and her family moved to Colorado when Jan was 16. She graduated from high school in Pagosa Springs, attended Adams State in Alamosa and gained her BA and MA in Biology and Secondary Education with continued post graduate work at CU.  Jan's career has included teaching, educational assessment and testing, curriculum development and text book writing.  

After working in education, Jan changed her career path to work in outreach, youth and family ministries and was ordained to the Diaconate in 2004. Serving as the Deacon of St. Ambrose since 2015, Jan exercises “a special ministry of servanthood” serving all people and especially those in need.

Jan is married to Alex, and has one son Shane, one daughter Jennifer, a son-in-law Alex, and grandsons Arlo and Abbot.

Deacon Jan is in the office on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Margaret Chidlaw

Parish Administrator

Margaret is in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12-3 and by appointment.

Jill Jenkins


Jill tracks St Ambrose’s incoming and outgoing funds and performs financial reporting to the vestry on a monthly basis along with annual budget preparations and analysis.  Having worked at St Ambrose for over 16 years, she still finds this the perfect part-time job.

Jill was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and was raised in Boulder, Colorado.  She has lived in Utah, Texas and England.  She graduated from Fort Lewis College in Durango and holds an AA in Secretarial Administration and a BA in Accounting.

Jill is married to Kirk, her high school sweetheart, and they have a son and daughter, Reece and Erin. In her spare time, Jill enjoys staying physically fit, being outdoors, traveling and spending time with family.

Jill is in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

Photos courtesy of Sunnybrook Photo Photography + Videography


Nursery & Godly Play

Staff & Volunteers

Children receive loving care from our nursery workers and volunteers. Our foremost concern if for the safety of our children.


The Vestry of an Episcopal Parish has three primary responsibilities:

  1. Parish finances

  2. Care of parish buildings and grounds

  3. Selection of the rector

The Vestry also assists the clergy in the leadership of programs, spiritual health, goal setting and implementation. Vestry members are elected by the congregation.  One third of the body is elected each year.  They are an important avenue of communication between individual parishioners and the church, and serve as the board of directors.

2024 Vestry Members

William Eliason, Senior Warden. Elected January, 2024.                  

Barb Fritz, Junior Warden                                                            

Joe Bailey, Vestry Member. Elected January 2023.

Bill Bigum, Vestry Member                                                   

Kelly Miller-Taylor, Vestry Member    

John Senger, Vestry Member 

Bob Simmons, Vestry Member.                              

Lorraine Sugg, Clerk

Grant Larson, Vestry Facilitator

Kris Bertness volunteers as Treasurer, an unelected position that helps guide the Vestry in their financial decision making.